EnerFuel™ is an organic based product that is a powerful fuel system cleaner. It dissolves the gum, varnish, and carbon deposits that distort injector or burner spray patterns and damage delicate injector and pump components. Cleaning these parts allows your engine to operate with all the efficiency that the manufacturer designed into it. Use for trucks, buses, marine applications, power generation, industrial boilers, construction, railroad, government/military, automotive, or any application of #1, #2, #4, #6, Bunker, IFO, or Bunker/Crude Blends and gasoline’s. EnerFuel™ is the all season treatment for diesel, biodiesel, biomass based diesel, and other fuels. EnerFuel™ will eliminate its own volume in water. For cold weather operation, we suggest the use of Enertech’s Polar Flow™or CFT – Complete Fuel Treatment™.
Part # Size Per Case Treats/container (Gal)
10102 8 oz 24 250
10105 32 oz 12 1000
10106 1 gal 4 4000
10106A 2.5 gal 2 10,000
10107 5 gal 1 20,000
10109 55 gal 1 220,000
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